Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 2 Playlist

Wednesday                         2-AM                                04-02-08




08-1010-06 Always Where I Need to B Kooks            :00       2:42 00

08-1010-07 Beat It                  Fall Out Boy     :00       3:49 00

99-1120-11 Lucky                    Radiohead        :00       4:19 00

99-1565-15 Taxman                   Beatles          :00       2:38 00

08-1010-08 Madi Don't Leave         PlayRadioPlay    :00       4:10 00

99-1775-01 Super Soaked             Be Your Own Pet  :00       2:34 00

08-1010-18 Strange Times            Black Keys       :00       3:12 00

98-1361-05 Future Baby Mama         Prince           :00       4:47 00

80-0832-18 Excitable Boy            Warren Zevon     :00       2:41 00

99-1334-12 Big Poppa                The Notorious BIG:00       4:11 00

01-0501-11 Sitting, Waiting, Wishin Jack Johnson     :11       2:59 00

08-1010-09 Lexington                Chiodos          :00       3:51 00

99-1544-01 Seasons in the Sun       Terry Jacks      :00       3:30 00

98-1193-01 Time to Understand       RJD2             :00       4:13 00

98-1035-06 Lady marmalade           Labelle          :00       3:19 00

99-1330-03 Dirty Boots              Sonic Youth      :00       5:28 00


Wednesday                         3-AM                                04-02-08




99-1595-03 Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bi Wyclef Jean      :00       4:01 00

07-0012-14 Found a Way              Drake Bell       :00       2:58 00

99-1609-01 Pagan Angel and a Borrow Iron & Wine      :00       4:32 00

80-0132-10 Ninteen Hundred and Eigh Paul McCartney an:00       5:31 00

99-1245-12 I Wanna Be Your Boyfrien Pete Yorn        :00       2:50 00

99-1062-03 Starman                  David Bowie      :00       4:18 00

99-1534-03 Requiem for O.M.M.       Of Montreal      :00       2:19 00

99-1333-08 Neverlost                Smashing Pumpkins:00       4:20 00

12-1348-12 Fire And Rain            James Taylor     :12       3:14 00

99-1660-01 Wassup Wassup            Rye Rye          :00       4:18 00

99-1090-01 Bethamphetamine          Butch Walker     :00       3:06 00

99-1709-01 Ladykillers              Lush             :00       3:13 00

24-4611-09 The Thrill Is Gone       B.B. King        :33       5:21 00

99-1326-01 The Bulrushes            Bongos           :00       2:38 00

99-1331-07 I Want You Back          Jackson 5        :00       3:01 00

99-1056-13 Needle in the Hay        Elliot Smith     :00       4:18 00


Wednesday                         4-AM                                04-02-08




07-1017-07 Monster                  Automatic        :00       3:43 00

99-1587-03 The National Side        Romantica        :00       4:28 00

99-1370-08 I Get Around             Dragonette       :00       3:41 00

12-1304-07 (I Can't Get No) Satisfa Rolling Stones   :14       3:35 00

08-1004-10 The Kelly Affair         Be Your Own Pet  :00       2:33 00

99-1607-05 See No Evil              Television       :00       3:51 00

99-1523-09 Fever                    A Fine Frenzy    :00       3:27 00

99-1175-07 Party                    Love Arcade      :00       2:54 00

80-0108-04 My Sharona               The Knack        :00       5:00 00

99-1283-01 Pretty Little Zombies    Diamond Jim      :00       1:05 00

99-1289-02 Robot Man                Aliens           :00       3:52 00

23-5552-09 New Year's Day           U2               :44       5:23 00

99-1565-24 For No One               Beatles          :00       2:01 00

07-1034-10 Gone Gone Gone           Robert  Plant Ali:00       3:34 00

98-1035-07 That Lady (pt 1)         Isley Brothers   :00       3:11 00

99-1674-02 Sound on Sound           Bob Mould        :00       3:19 00

99-1568-02 Kick It                  Peaches & Iggy Po:00       2:34 00

07-1018-11 The Heinrich Manuever    Interpol         :00       3:29 00


Wednesday                         5-AM                                04-02-08




99-1299-09 Tuned to Love            Loose Salute     :00       3:04 00

07-1042-14 Up All Night             Widespread Panic :00       3:47 00

99-1371-10 Y Control                Yeah Yeah Yeahs  :00       4:02 00

99-1551-07 Baja                     Astronauts       :00       2:27 00

99-1486-04 Frontwards               Los Campesinos   :00       2:18 00

24-4619-04 I Got You                SPLIT ENZ        :08       3:21 00

99-1251-01 Hat and Rabbit           Page France      :00       3:08 00

99-1663-05 Better Than the Best     Murs             :00       4:24 00

99-1147-02 Summer Breeze            Seals and Crofts :00       3:30 00

98-1232-02 December 4th             Danger Mouse     :00       3:34 00

01-0143-08 Get The Party Started    Pink             :00       3:09 00

99-1692-15 Angel                    Joe Rathbone     :00       3:54 00

12-1101-02 American Pie             Don McLean       :00       8:29 00

99-1423-03 Signing Off              Oliver Future    :00       3:44 00

99-1650-14 Rainy Night in Georgia   Brook Benton     :00       3:51 00

03-8236-06 All My Life              FOO FIGHTERS     :05       4:10 00


Wednesday                         6-AM                                04-02-08




99-1637-07 Hi-Definition (f. Snoop  Lupe Fiasco      :00       3:51 00

99-1628-01 Time to Pretend          MGMT             :00       4:21 00

99-1577-04 Hot Women (Cold Beer)    Goober & Peas    :00       3:33 00

99-1594-08 The Leader               Clash            :00       1:44 00

99-1661-02 Salmon Dance (Crookers R Chemical Brothers:00       4:01 00

98-1327-04 Crabbuckit               K-OS             :00       3:48 00

99-1361-02 On This Side             Tiny Vipers      :00       5:42 00

49-0135-07 Magic Carpet Ride        Steppenwolf      :18       2:32 00

23-5558-06 Superman                 R.E.M.           :18       2:47 00

99-1752-06 The Step and the Walk    The Duke Spirit  :00       3:24 00

99-1514-01 The Bottom Line          Big Audio Dynamit:00       4:40 00

99-1170-08 Love and Pride           Ror-Shak         :00       5:26 00

99-1213-04 Master of None           Beach House      :00       3:19 00

98-1460-05 Le Soleil Est Pres De Mo Dan the Automator:00       6:35 00

99-1592-01 Cut Free                 Bald Walter      :00       3:50 00


Wednesday                         7-AM                                04-02-08




99-1671-01 Swagger Fabrik           Vegas Paris w Ast:00       3:36 00

99-1753-01 Mercy                    Duffy            :00       3:42 00

99-1056-17 Stephanie Says           Velvet Undergroun:00       2:50 00

24-4613-07 Watching The Detectives  Elvis Costello   :23       3:36 00

99-1745-10 Stricly Rude             DJ BC vs Big D   :00       4:52 00

07-0003-18 Mr. Jones                Mike Jones       :00       4:02 00

96-1234-11 Summer Day               Coconut Records  :00       2:04 00

80-0142-01 Highway to Hell          AC/DC            :00       3:34 00

99-1444-13 Even After All           Finley Quayle    :00       3:54 00

07-1015-10 Spring and by Summer Fal Blonde Redhead   :00       4:17 00

99-1648-02 Fashion                  David Bowie      :00       3:27 00

99-1716-07 Forest Crunk             Aesop Rock       :00       4:39 00

99-1587-06 Unmistakably Love        Stephanie's ID   :00       3:26 00

99-1659-04 Canned Heat              Jamiroquai       :00       5:33 00

08-1003-06 Air Traffic Control      Louis XIV        :00       3:54 00

99-1581-07 Oh, Camille              Steve Forbert    :00       2:42 00


Wednesday                         8-AM                                04-02-08




99-1511-10 Long Walk Home           Bruce Springsteen:00       4:34 00

99-1455-14 Walk in My Shoes         Emily King f Lupe:00       3:50 00

08-1004-02 Stop!                    Against Me!      :00       2:38 00

24-4634-10 My Best Friend's Girl    Cars             :14       3:33 00

99-1319-03 All Rights Reversed      Chemical Brothers:00       4:42 00

99-1351-10 Round and Round          Hi Tek/Jonell    :00       3:32 00

99-1596-08 I Saw the Bright Shinies Octopus Project  :00       3:58 00

12-1346-16 Beast Of Burden          Rolling Stones   :20       4:13 00

01-5094-02 Buddy Holly              Weezer           :00       2:38 00

99-1600-02 Try It Again             The Hives        :00       3:31 00

94-0530-14 My Generation            The Who          :05       3:15 00

99-1307-02 Train                    Goldfrapp        :00       4:11 00

98-1004-09 Hoodie                   Lady Sovereign   :00       3:37 00

98-1130-20 Me Myself and I          De La Soul       :00       3:50 00

99-1225-02 Bull in the Heather      Sonic Youth      :00       3:04 00

99-1468-13 Psycho Therapy           Ramones          :00       2:35 00

99-1523-02 To Be Surprised          Sondre Lerche    :00       4:21 00


Wednesday                         9-AM                                04-02-08




99-1272-04 Fragile Army             Polyphonic Spree :00       4:01 00

99-1587-04 I Love You, You Imbecile Pelle Carlberg   :00       2:58 00

23-5586-11 Polly                    Nirvana          :08       2:48 00

99-1042-05 Wildwood (Portishead Rem Paul Weller      :00       3:30 00

98-1111-17 Black Sabotage           DJ Moule         :00       2:33 00

06-0319-17 The Way You Move         Outkast          :00       3:41 00

99-1314-07 Grow Old With Me         Postal Service   :00       2:30 00

12-1344-04 Kung Fu Fighting         Carl Douglas     :00       3:04 00

12-1331-04 Love Song                Cure             :27       3:20 00

07-1032-19 Anyway                   Eliot Morris     :00       4:25 00

99-1450-17 The Wagon                Dinosaur Jr.     :00       4:55 00

98-1111-16 Pink Wedding             Go Home Prod     :00       3:33 00

99-1313-01 Instant Karma            U2               :00       3:14 00

98-1365-04 Disposable               AKronym          :00       2:52 00

99-1120-10 No Surprises             Radiohead        :00       3:48 00

99-1581-03 Song for the South       Steve Forbert    :00       4:07 00

99-1527-02 Hurricane                Athlete          :00       3:13 00


Wednesday                         10-AM                               04-02-08




99-1642-01 New York                 Cat Power        :00       2:03 00

99-1223-03 Dark Stranger            Kristy Kruger    :00       3:14 00

99-1444-02 Exodus Honey             Honeycut         :00       4:24 00

99-1129-03 Alternative Ulster       Stiff Little Fing:00       2:43 00

99-1531-01 Freakshow on the Dancefl Bar-Kays         :00       6:38 00

99-1068-06 Eddie You Should Have Kn Curtis Mayfield  :00       2:20 00

99-1626-15 I Call on You            The Trolleyvox   :00       2:51 00

29-5414-14 The Waiting              Tom Petty        :18       3:45 00

99-1599-09 Into the Sun             Locksley         :00       2:52 00

99-1492-01 Don't Make me a Target   Spoon            :00       3:55 00

99-1417-04 Bummed Out City          Joe Strummer     :00       5:35 00

23-5545-05 People Are People        Depeche Mode     :32       3:36 00

99-1185-01 Oversleeping             I'm from Barcelon:00       2:18 00

99-1414-04 Cathedral                Van Halen        :00       1:24 00

01-0443-14 Boulevard of Broken Drea Green Day        :00       4:06 00

99-1060-08 Over the Rise            Big Audio Dynamit:00       4:57 00

99-1257-15 Girl You Have Magic Insi Outrageous Cherry:00       3:23 00


Wednesday                         11-AM                               04-02-08




99-1626-14 Days                     She is so Beautif:00       3:40 00

35-0001-11 Black Out on White Night Sage Francis     :00       4:20 00

07-1010-16 Crazy                    Shawn Colvin     :00       3:31 00

12-0901-09 Penny Lane               Beatles          :00       2:57 00

99-1421-02 If You Got the Money     Jamie T.         :00       3:44 00

43-0112-07 Changes                  David Bowie      :08       3:29 00

99-1745-01 Dave's Shiny New Rap     DJ BC vs Big D   :00       3:22 00

99-1432-09 If You Want to Sing Out, Stuporhero       :00       2:37 00

12-1325-17 Wonderful Tonight        Eric Clapton     :11       3:03 00

52-0121-03 Funky Cold Medina        Tone Loc         :12       4:07 00

97-1001-01 Kickapoo                 Tenacious D      :00       4:14 00

99-1467-08 My Iron Lung             Radiohead        :00       4:36 00

13-1325-15 Take The Long Way Home   Supertramp       :46       4:45 00

99-1672-02 New Soul                 Yael Naim        :00       3:45 00

98-1371-08 I Know I'm Losing You    Temptations      :00       2:29 00

99-1523-05 My Hands Are Shaking     Sondre Lerche    :00       3:00 00

99-1721-04 Once In Your Life        Tyler Ramsey     :00       5:30 00


Wednesday                        12-NM                                04-02-08




99-1350-01 Bigfoot Song             Patchop          :00       2:03 00

99-1102-03 Spilt Needles            Shins            :00       2:27 00

99-1067-06 State Trooper            Deane Carter     :00       3:46 00

99-1385-11 Boris the Spider         The Who          :00       2:27 00

99-1641-06 No Regrets               Paul Spencer & Ma:00       4:10 00

99-1371-03 Rebel Girl               Bikini Kill      :00       2:41 00

99-1754-03 I'm Happy But You Don't  Asobi Seksu      :00       3:09 00

99-1641-01 Party's Over             Nicole Atkins    :00       4:17 00

12-1344-03 Let It Ride              Bachman-Turner Ov:18       3:28 00

99-1452-15 It's More Expensive for  Snooze           :00       3:06 00

07-0010-08 Starlight                Muse             :00       4:05 00

99-1056-20 The Fairest of Seasons   Nico             :00       4:06 00

12-1350-14 Money                    Pink Floyd       :40       6:11 00

99-1153-05 Golden Skan              Klaxons          :00       2:40 00

99-1001-07 Here I Am (Come and Take Al Green         :00       4:13 00

99-1442-04 Start Wearing Purple     Gogol Bordello   :00       4:04 00

99-1153-02 True Affection           The Blow         :00       3:21 00


Wednesday                         13-PM                               04-02-08




99-1380-09 Looks That Kill          Shivaree         :00       3:19 00

07-1025-10 Smokers Outside Hospital Editors          :00       4:03 00

03-8209-05 Fell In Love With A Girl White Stripes    :05       1:46 00

80-0124-06 Abbey Road Medley        Beatles          :00       5:20 00

99-1645-01 Dream                    Alice Smith      :00       4:25 00

23-5571-04 London Calling           Clash            :21       3:16 00

07-1005-13 This Time                DJ Shadow        :00       3:05 00

07-1036-08 No I in Threesome        Interpol         :00       3:39 00

99-1585-08 There is a Mountain      Donovan          :00       2:35 00

99-1342-08 Seven Months             Portishead       :00       4:18 00

03-8529-10 Sweet Troubled Soul (Edi Stellastar       :13       3:46 00

99-1749-12 Mick and Keith Killed Br Jeff Dahl        :00       2:58 00

44-0138-12 Heartbreaker/Living Lovi Led Zeppelin     :26       6:52 00

99-1629-07 Knife                    CSS              :00       3:14 00

12-1349-15 Higher Ground            Stevie Wonder    :23       3:43 00

06-5566-12 Novocaine for the Soul   eels             :00       3:12 00


Wednesday                         14-PM                               04-02-08




99-1214-02 Bottle It Up             Sara Bareilles   :00       3:01 00

99-1681-04 Trouble Too              Sean Tracey      :00       3:00 00

99-1376-07 Anodyne                  Uncle Tupelo     :00       4:51 00

99-1509-09 It Ain't Me Babe         Bob Dylan        :00       3:34 00

99-1482-05 All I Need               Radiohead        :00       3:50 00

12-0903-09 Sweet Dreams (Are Made O Eurythmics       :08       3:19 00

99-1258-02 Valerie                  Mark Ronson f. Am:00       3:39 00

07-1024-01 Hear Me Now              Framong Hanley   :00       3:55 00

80-0822-16 I'd Love to Change the W Ten Years After  :00       3:49 00

99-1065-08 Highschool Lover         Air              :00       2:42 00

01-0121-14 Superman (It's Not Easy) Five For Fighting:18       3:35 00

99-1370-09 Alright Alright (Here's  Sahara Hotnights :00       2:08 00

99-1430-01 Itchycoo Park            Small Faces      :00       2:53 00

07-1042-05 Second, Minute, or Hour  Jack Penate      :00       3:07 00

98-1420-05 I'm Ready                Muddy Waters     :00       3:05 00

99-1335-04 Jesus, Etc.              Wilco            :00       3:53 00

99-1273-01 Fake Empire              The National     :00       3:27 00

99-1275-08 Restless                 Chris Bathgate   :00       2:23 00


Wednesday                         15-PM                               04-02-08




07-1012-13 Heretics                 Andrew Bird      :00       3:34 00

07-0027-11 Lovestoned               Justin Timberlake:00       5:26 00

99-1731-08 Please Me Like You Want  Ben Harper       :00       4:57 00

80-4005-08 Drift Away               Dobie Gray       :00       4:01 00

99-1573-01 Portions for Foxes       Rilo Kiley       :00       4:46 00

96-0014-07 A Million Miles Away     Plimsouls        :00       3:33 00

07-1015-11 State of Mind            Mad Caddies      :00       3:49 00

99-1264-13 Christenings             Blackfield       :00       4:37 00

12-1349-14 Woodstock                Crosby Stills Nas:17       3:45 00

99-1660-15 Lights Out               Santogold        :00       3:32 00

03-8126-09 Island In The Sun        Weezer           :03       3:13 00

99-1372-04 My House Has Wheels      SCOTS            :00       2:09 00

99-1554-10 Draggin' the Line        Tommy James      :00       2:46 00

96-0001-11 Such Great Heights       Iron and Wine    :00       4:12 00

99-1276-04 Idlewild Blue            Outkast          :00       3:26 00

99-1098-07 Manana                   Gorillaz         :00       3:50 00


Wednesday                         16-PM                               04-02-08




99-1493-03 The Ritz                 Office           :00       3:51 00

99-1586-06 Life's Cornucopia        Mason Proper     :00       2:43 00

10-0265-03 All Apologies            Nirvana          :18       3:40 00

99-1621-07 Broken Arrow             Buffalo Springfie:00       6:18 00

07-0001-10 Can't Forget About You   Nas              :00       4:38 00

99-1356-14 Search and Destroy       Iggy and the Stoo:00       3:29 00

07-1006-07 Pick up the Pieces       Money Mark       :00       3:26 00

99-1097-10 Who Cares                Gnarls Barkley   :00       2:27 00

80-0102-08 Grey Seal                Elton John       :00       3:57 00

99-1353-04 Kelly Watch the Stars    AIR              :00       3:46 00

01-4499-10 I Try                    Macy Gray        :08       3:44 00

99-1207-01 Knocked Up               Kings of Leon    :00       7:10 00

99-1329-08 Thrasher                 Neil Young       :00       4:02 00

99-1273-02 Mistaken for Strangers   The National     :00       3:32 00

99-1651-01 Oh Girl                  Chi-Lites        :00       3:38 00


Wednesday                         17-PM                               04-02-08




99-1223-15 Lovely Life              Rebekah Jordan   :00       3:34 00

07-1014-17 Time We Had              Mother Hips      :00       3:09 00

99-1678-02 Girl for All Seasons     Northern State   :00       2:56 00

99-1104-04 Blue Jay Way             Beatles          :00       3:56 00

07-1021-15 Amnesia                  MoZella          :00       3:30 00

23-5543-07 Everyday I Write The Boo Elvis Costello   :02       3:34 00

99-1271-10 I'm Slowly Turning Into  White Stripes    :00       4:34 00

07-1038-08 Love's Not a Competition Kaiser Chiefs    :00       3:17 00

99-1653-04 Pigs (Three Different On Pink Floyd       :00      11:30 00

98-1111-03 Paula's Smokin Kelly's D DJ Earworm       :00       4:25 00

99-1112-05 Cliche                   Jonny Lives      :00       2:21 00

80-5588-06 King Nothing             Metallica        :00       5:06 00

12-1351-11 Rocky Mountain Way       Joe Walsh        :47       5:05 00

99-1599-06 Why Not Me?              Locksley         :00       2:38 00


Wednesday                         18-PM                               04-02-08




99-1626-02 Foundations              Kate Nash        :00       3:50 00

99-1681-09 Smokin Drinkin Cheatin D Sean Tracey      :00       3:31 00

99-1710-01 Yup                      10 Cent          :00       3:53 00

99-1551-14 Point Panic              Surfaris         :00       2:19 00

99-1321-02 The Underdog             Spoon            :00       3:44 00

99-1439-12 Take Me to the Backseat  Donnas           :00       2:22 00

99-1388-03 Your Love Alone is Not E Manic Street Prea:00       3:55 00

99-1389-02 Little Bit of You in Eve Rentals          :00       3:40 00

99-1328-16 Everydays                Buffalo Springfie:00       2:43 00

01-2796-21 Barely Breathing         Duncan Sheik     :19       4:10 00

03-8124-01 When You're Falling      Afro Celt Sound S:10       3:35 00

99-1059-01 Selkie Bride             Frank Black      :00       3:06 00

99-1473-14 Creeque Alley            Mamas & Papas    :00       3:51 00

99-1152-04 Eddie's Gun              Kooks            :00       2:13 00

98-1458-02 I Wish                   Stevie Wonder    :00       4:12 00

99-5573-08 The Lovecats             Cure             :00       3:47 00

07-1009-12 Keep the Car Running     Arcade Fire      :00       3:30 00


Wednesday                         19-PM                               04-02-08




07-1034-07 Charmer                  Kings of Leon    :00       3:02 00

99-1267-02 Hot in Herre             Jenny Owen Youngs:00       4:16 00

99-1331-04 The Skin of My Yellow Co Clap Your Hands S:00       5:45 00

99-1552-08 Get Down                 Gilbert O'Sulliva:00       2:42 00

98-1222-01 Kick Push                Lupe Fiasco      :00       4:15 00

99-1650-03 I Know What Boys Like    The Waitresses   :00       3:15 00

99-1257-06 Mindreader               Ten High         :00       3:11 00

99-1391-02 Better Already           Northern State   :00       2:57 00

80-0811-18 Stand By Me              John Lennon      :00       3:28 00

07-1012-10 Running Up That Hill     Placebo          :00       4:57 00

01-2694-22 In A Daydream            FREDDY JONES BAND:24       3:31 00

99-1548-08 Can You Please Crawl Out Hold Steady      :00       3:50 00

60-1136-22 Savoy Truffle            Beatles          :00       2:54 00

99-1424-01 Down the Line            Jose Gonzalez    :00       3:00 00

98-1072-16 What'd I Say             Ray Charles      :00       3:11 00

80-5593-16 The Mayor of Simpleton   XTC              :00       3:56 00

99-1663-07 Goliath                  Mars Volta       :00       7:17 00


Wednesday                         20-PM                               04-02-08




07-1027-14 Hospital Beds            Cold War Kids    :00       4:02 00

99-1645-10 Love Endeavor            Alice Smith      :00       3:53 00

03-8543-09 Dare                     Gorillaz         :00       3:30 00

99-1551-18 The Lonely Surfer        Jack Nitzsche    :00       2:35 00

99-1234-03 Impossible Germany       Wilco            :00       5:58 00

99-1581-10 Planet Earth Song        Steve Forbert    :00       2:42 00

99-1363-06 Back in Your Head        Tegan & Sara     :00       3:00 00

07-1032-04 God We Look Good         Exies            :00       3:18 00

99-1546-01 More Today Than Yesterda Spiral Staicase  :00       2:59 00

98-1460-03 Smoothness - Black Rob   Dan the Automator:00       4:36 00

80-5595-08 Vow                      Garbage          :00       4:31 00

99-1692-16 Hot Romance              Parlour Steps    :00       3:41 00

60-1134-01 I Had Too Much to Dream  Electric Prunes  :00       3:00 00

99-1402-09 Everything is Okay       Everybody Fields :00       2:37 00

28-6208-02 Give It To Me Baby       Rick James       :23       3:57 00

11-9303-02 Man On The Moon          R.E.M.           :16       5:06 00


Wednesday                         21-PM                               04-02-08




99-1499-03 This Song                Cassius          :00       4:50 00

99-1144-03 Reverse                  Green Pitch      :00       3:01 00

99-1578-05 The One                  Elevaters        :00       5:00 00

80-0120-16 A Well Respected Man     Kinks            :00       2:48 00

99-1115-12 Just a Man with a Job    Rakes            :00       2:50 00

99-1655-12 I Love Livin' In the Cit Fear             :00       2:07 00

99-1644-01 Maybe Tonight            Nicole Atkins    :00       3:16 00

07-1016-11 I am Part of a Large Fam Great Lake Swimme:00       4:22 00

70-0131-03 Skateaway                Dire Straits     :00       6:19 00

99-1334-13 Hypnotize                The Notorious BIG:00       3:57 00

96-0009-14 Supermodel               Jill Sobule      :00       3:07 00

06-8643-09 Cell Phone's Dead        Beck             :00       3:50 00

99-1344-03 He Gives Us All His Love Randy Newman     :00       1:56 00

07-1032-03 The Pretender            Foo Fighters     :00       4:31 00

98-1282-04 Got to Let Go            Bees             :00       5:23 00

23-5544-02 Jeremy                   Pearl Jam        :21       5:12 00


Wednesday                         22-PM                               04-02-08




07-0027-09 Teenagers                My Chemical Roman:00       2:42 00

08-1005-14 Guaranteed               Eddie Vedder     :00       2:42 00

99-1371-06 Yellowcake               Kaki King        :00       2:53 00

80-0822-18 Southern Man             Neil Young       :00       5:30 00

99-1355-03 Kaleidoscope Gun         Billy Harvey     :00       2:51 00

06-8633-11 R.A.M.O.N.E.S.           Motorhead        :00       1:16 00

99-1313-12 Jelous Guy               Youssou N'Dour   :00       3:59 00

99-1446-13 Why the ?                Trucks           :00       3:08 00

99-1617-02 That Certain Femalw      Charlie Feathers :00       3:02 00

98-1111-18 Tricky Sandman           DJ M.I.F.        :00       3:41 00

07-1003-08 Stuck Between Stations   Hold Steady      :00       4:10 00

99-1451-05 Hag                      Breeders         :00       2:57 00

80-0137-07 I Just Want to Celebrate Rare Earth       :00       3:38 00

99-1721-01 A Long Dream             Tyler Ramsey     :00       6:00 00

07-0022-18 The Way I Are            Timbaland        :00       3:24 00

99-1437-02 My Sister                Juliana Hatfield :00       3:22 00

99-1164-01 Myth Takes               !!!              :00       2:23 00

99-1512-08 Signs                    Beasts of Eden   :00       3:39 00


Wednesday                         23-PM                               04-02-08




99-1477-02 Radio Nowhere            Bruce Springsteen:00       3:23 00

07-1026-09 The Wildfire (if it was  Mando Diao       :00       4:25 00

12-1308-11 Losing My Religion       R.E.M.           :14       4:24 00

94-0575-06 Second Hand News         Fleetwood Mac    :04       2:38 00

99-1479-04 There's Always Someone C Ben Folds        :00       4:11 00

01-4994-19 When I Come Around       Green Day        :15       2:54 00

99-1752-07 This Ship Was Built to L The Duke Spirit  :00       3:52 00

99-1264-07 Lost to the Lonesome     Pela             :00       3:13 00

99-1178-02 Fat Bottomed Girls       Queen            :00       4:16 00

99-1686-12 QUick, Painless and Easy Ivy              :00       4:12 00

99-1150-03 You Won't See Me         Dar Williams     :00       3:32 00

99-1005-10 Oceans                   Johan            :00       4:21 00

80-4007-15 These Eyes               Guess Who        :00       3:47 00

99-1277-01 This is a Song           Magic Numbers    :00       4:00 00

07-0030-18 Same Girl                R. Kelly Usher T-:00       4:48 00

99-1406-01 Cold Brains              Beck             :00       3:44 00


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